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Qualities of Effective Principals, 2nd Edition


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What does it take to be a good school principal? No two principals work exactly the same way, but research shows that effective principals focus on a core set of factors critical to fostering success among all students.

Table of contents

Part I. What It Means to Be an Effective Principal

School Climate: The Heart of the School

Human Resource Administration: Recruiting, Selecting, Supporting, and Retaining High-Quality Teachers and Staff

About the authors

James Stronge is the Heritage Professor in the Educational Policy, Planning, and Leadership area at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA.

His research interests include policy and practice related to teacher quality as well as teacher and administrator evaluation, and he has worked extensively with local school districts on these topics. His work focuses on how to identify effective teachers and how to enhance teacher effectiveness.

Stronge has authored, coauthored, or edited 22 books and more than 100 articles, chapters, and technical reports. He has been a teacher, counselor, and district-level administrator. His doctorate in the area of Educational Administration and Planning is from the University of Alabama.

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