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Motivating and Managing Student Behavior with Dignity (Quick Reference Guide)


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In this quick reference guide, experts Allen N. Mendler and Brian D. Mendler discuss Discipline with Dignity, an approach intended to help children make better choices and teachers be more effective. Motivating and Managing Student Behavior with Dignity covers

About the authors

Allen Mendler, educator and school psychologist, works extensively with children in regular and special education settings. His emphasis is on developing effective frameworks and strategies for educators, youth professionals, and parents to help youth with learning and behavior problems succeed.

Mendler is highly acclaimed as a motivational speaker and trainer on topics pertaining to challenging students, and has given numerous workshops and seminars to professionals and parents. A frequent blogger for Edutopia, he is also the author or coauthor of many publications, including Discipline with Dignity: How to Build Responsibility, Relationships, and Respect in Your Classroom and When Teaching Gets Tough, Connecting with Students, and Motivating Students Who Don't Care.

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