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Book banner image for Five Myths About Classroom Technology: How do we integrate digital tools to truly enhance learning? (ASCD Arias)

Five Myths About Classroom Technology: How do we integrate digital tools to truly enhance learning? (ASCD Arias)


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What's keeping your school behind the technology curve? Is it a fear of the unfamiliar? Expenses? Or some other myth? Have you considered how students with special needs or students learning a second language may benefit from using digital tools?

Table of contents

Myth 1: Technology is easy to learn and use

Myth 2: Technology is expensive

Myth 3: Technology should be in the hands of every student

Myth 4: Technology improves student learning

Myth 5: Technology is a distraction

About the authors

Matt Renwick is an elementary principal in Mineral Point, Wisconsin. Prior to this position, Matt was a teacher and school administrator in Wisconsin Rapids. Renwick posts frequently on his collaborative blog for literacy leaders, Reading by Example, and tweets at @ReadByExample. He also writes for Discovery Education and Lead Literacy.

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